Explosive ordnance left in the ground, such as aerial bombs or grenades, is still a problem more than 75 years after the end of the war. Almost every day we see relics of the world wars being unearthed during construction work. Apart from the significant threat to the population and the damaging effect on the environment that becomes increasingly harmful over the years as they decay, these finds also represent a risk that is difficult to calculate for construction projects by private individuals, investors and municipalities. The task of the specialist planning for explosive ordnance clearance is to make this risk plannable both financially and in terms of safety.
Our project support includes:
The analysis of the documents you have regarding your construction project in terms of plausibility and completeness
The planning and evaluation of the technical preliminary investigation with test fields and samples
The preparation of a risk analysis with regard to munitions and their chemical degradation products
Identifying the cost-effectiveness factors for your project
Determining the most effective geophysical methods and clearance measures
The development of a detailed clearance concept with necessary occupational safety measures
Creating a meaningful list of services for your tender
Our support in the tendering process
Monitoring the clearance measures you have commissioned
All work is carried out in accordance with the German construction guidelines for the clearance of explosive ordnance and all laws, ordinances and rules in force in Germany.